The Downward Dog to Upward Dog flow —  
This is an intermediate posture flow using breath, body and mind connection.  The basic focus here should be keeping the navel tucked in, the abdominals engaged, and the back flexible and moving softly with leading of the core.  That will take a little practice so as not to make the back sore.  Begin in all-fours (hands & knees) position with hands flat and knees directly under the hips.  Inhale deeply, then straighten the knees upon the exhale while dropping your head softly and pushing the hips upward toward the sky.  Flatten the heels to the floor behind you if possible, stretching the calves.  All muscle groups of your body should be consciously engaged.  Inhale again, and upon the exhale, engage abdominals along with all muscles while slowly floating the hips toward the floor as the heels come off the mat, shoulders come back and down, neck lengthens, head drops easily back and torso is square between the shoulders.  Repeat as you bring this flow into a rhythm of inhaling the hips up with head down (downward dog), to exhaling the hips down with head up (upward dog).  This is our New Tibetan 21™ version with the toes curled under during upward dog.  You may prefer to keep the feet flat and balancing on tops of the feet as shown in the illustrative photo.  Now, enjoy practicing this mini-flow all month, and we will see you tomorrow at Hot Yoga!  Happiness and the best health to you in the New Year… God bless and namaste’